
Industry Facts

1 Billion

The travel center industry serves more than 1 billion people a year.

75-100 Employees

The typical travel center employs between 75-100 individuals and is often the largest taxpayer in the community.

$22.5 Billion

Nationally, travel centers and truck stops directly contribute more than $22.5 billion in state and local tax revenue.


90% of total truck parking capacity is provided by the private sector in the United States.


The 23.4垄/Gallon diesel federal excise tax is one of the primary revenue sources for the Highway Trust Fund.

$2.3 Million

Travel centers have an annual payroll of $2,300,000 per location.


Travel centers average $427,000 of employment taxes per location, per year.

$41.5 Million

The travel center industry averages $41,500,000 annual contributions to charity.

黑料社区CEO Ride Along

黑料社区President & CEO recently joined professional truck driver Jennifer Evans on a week-long trip. Even though she’s spoken with many professional drivers over the years, spending this time with Jennifer in her truck helped educate her on the life of a driver. Check out the story about their experience.

We love working with journalists to discuss all facets of the truck stop and travel center industry and our policy issues. If you鈥檙e a member of the media and would like to talk, please reach out to:

Tiffany Wlazlowski Neuman
Vice President, Public Affairs

Contact twlazlowski@natso.com.

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